Trainers at Willow Glen Equestrian Center are not employed by Willow Glen. Inquiries about boarding, haul-in fees and ring usage need to be discussed with the owner of Willow Glen Equestrian Center, CeCe Flint, who can be reached at 619-447-6077 or by email at

Courtney Meitz Training

These days, she’s all about cutting.

Pictures are worth a thousand words . . .

Full Training . . . . . $400
with TheraPlate as least 2/week . . . . $500
Full Training w/Cows . . . . $500
withTheraPlate at least 2/week $600
Lesson - your horse . . . . $40
Lesson - my horse (limited availability) . . . . $50
Cow Lessons . . . . $70
Mechanical Cow . . . . $55
TheraPlate per session . . . .


Training fees do not include board, which is payable to Willow Glen Equestrian Centre.